The Resilience Action Dialogues (RADs) are convened by the Centre for Complex Systems in Transition as a way to deepen understanding about the concept of resilience and its application in development work in southern Africa.
This first RAD took place in November 2018 in Stellenbosch, South Africa, and led to the establishment of a Community of Practice in Resilience for the region. Click the links below to find out more.

Resilience Needs Assessment
The first RAD served to better understand the needs of key practitioners working across southern and eastern Africa.

From Theory to Action
In this video, Professor Belinda Reyers reflects on the challenges of working with the concept of resilience and bringing it from theory into practice.

World Cafe
This video from the first RAD explores the method of using a World Café to share experiences of working with resilience by practitioners from across southern and eastern Africa.

Learning Journey
This video explores the use of learning journeys as a method to bring together diverse views about a particular challenge in a constructive and generative way.